Thanks to the Reaktor community and everyone who has contributed to the Reaktor User Library, which has been a huge source of learning and inspiration for this collection.

In particular huge thanks to:

Benjamin Poddig for his amazing sounding oscillators and oversampling macros.

Salamander Anagram at for his oversampling and filter tutorials.

Colin Brown for his polyphonic port macros.

Florian Schwehn for GUI elements from his multi breakpoint waveshaper. 

Stephan Schmitt, Gabriel Mulzer and Martijn Deluxe for their Ez FFT macros.

Jan Brähler for his high quality pitch detection macro and for his brilliant FFT partial extractor.

Will Bartlett for his opto-detector macro.

Colugo for table framework and buffer macros.

Michael Hetrick for his analog-modelled diode macro and chebyshev filters.

MW for inspiration for the Mod Pad.

Sandy Small for the supersaw unison macro, based on a paper by Adam Szabo.

Adam Hanley for bit shifting macros.

Ryk and Intellijel for inspiration for the repeat sequencer.

Erik Wiegand for multi-breakpoint envelope code.

Efflam Le Bivic for knobs, panel artwork and his genius Infinite Linear Oversampling.

Christian Schneider from Sonidiom who also designed the brilliant GUI for the Atomic Pack, Vintage Sampler, Sequential Switch, Piano Roll and others.

Vadim Zavalishin for the amazing factory core library.

Faheem Hasan, Rembert Gantke, Philipp Dransfeld, Jonathan Baruc, Georg Haupt and everyone else in the Reaktor and NKS teams at Native Instruments.

And anyone else who I may have forgotten :)