Tangle Pack Lite
A light (free) version of the Toybox Tangle Pack. The Tangle Pack is suite of powerful blocks based on legendary Eurorack modules, with some unique blocks for advanced synthesis and sound creation. For more information on the full Tangle Pack click HERE.
FREE Download for Reaktor & Reaktor Player
Features include:
- Great sounding and flexible Oscillators and Filters.
- Powerful modulation blocks, including the Ramp Generator block, based on one half of the Make Noise 'Maths' function generator module.
- A curated selection of 'Nano' utility blocks, updated and revised specially for the pack.
- A flexible global snapshots system. Snapshots can be stored for each individual block or for the whole rack, then selected and morphed using the Snapshots block.
- Updated Nano Sequencer blocks included for building generative sequences, arpeggiators or generating complex phrases. Multiple Sequencer Segment blocks can be daisy-chained for a ratcheting style step sequencer of any length. The Conditional block works using a similar idea to the ‘conditional trigs’ found in the Elektron series of groove boxes, great for organic evolving sequences.
- Bleeding-edge dsp and analog modelling techniques.
Info hints
Information about any control or port is available from inside Reaktor using 'Info Hints' (small pop-up-windows with information). These can be displayed in the Reaktor application or plugin by enabling the 'Info Hints' button ("i" icon on the main Reaktor toolbar) and then hovering the mouse over any control or port or over the title bar of any block to display the information.
Included modules
Below is a brief description of the function of each block in the pack.
- Tangle Oscillator - An oscillator block based on a fusion of phase distortion (twisting, warping, repeating and mixing basic waveforms for knotty twisted sounds) with FM synthesis. The bock also features 7 lofi modes which authentically models vintage digital DACs with gritty digital noise and jitter, great for dirty old school digital synth tones. READ MORE
- Mini Oscillator - A basic oscillator that can be used either as an audio rate oscillator or as an LFO.
- Flexi Oscillator - A high quality oscillator with 8 warp modes that can be used either as an audio rate oscillator or as an LFO.
- Basic Osc - A simple multi-wave oscillator.
- FM Operator - An oscillator for use in FM synthesis. This oscillator is an accurate model of the FM operators found in the Yamaha TX/DX range of synthesizers. Includes 8 waveforms from the Yamaha TX range of synthesizers, plus a few extra for a total of 14 waveforms.
- FM 2-Stack - 2 FM operators arranged in a simple stack, with one operator modulating the other.
- Noise - Pure noise oscillator with 7 different styles of noise plus low and high pass filters.
- Supersaw - Digital supersaw oscillator with 7 stacked sawtooth voices for a thick sound. The 'CHORD' control sets the interval between the voices, a variety of chords can be selected. When A CHORD is enabled the notes in the chord are snapped to a scale, use the PITCH control to set the key. This oscillator is an accurate model of the supersaw oscillator found in the Roland JP-8000.
- Wavetable - A versatile wavetable oscillator with built-in wavetables.
- Drums - A drum sample player with a set of built-in samples
- Sample Player - A sample player.
- Synth - A simple synth in a single block.
- Reverb - Classic reverb effect with a choice of 8 different reverb styles. There are options to reduce sample rate, bit depth and increase saturation for gritty, vintage digital effects.
- Unison - Splits the incoming signal into several detuned layers for thick stereo unison and 'supersaw' sounds. The RESET input resets the buffer that is used to detune the layers. If the RESET port is not connected then this buffer resetting is triggered when the input exceeds a threshold set by the THRESHOLD control.
- Mini Filter - An analogue modelled multi-mode filter with a 'zero feedback delay' design. Filter shapes are Low Pass, Band Pass, High Pass and Band Shelf.
- Envelope - A versatile ADSR (attack, decay, sustain release) style envelope with individual SHAPE controls for each stage.
- LFO - A multi-wave LFO (Low Frequency Oscillator).
Ramp Generator - A multi-purpose block based on one half of the Make Noise 'Maths' function generator eurorack module.
The block can be used as a ramp signal generator, several types of envelope (with or without sustain), a slew processor, a clock generator, a versatile oscillator, a filter, a voltage processor, a pitch-glide effect with separate control of ‘up’ and ‘down’ speeds, a waveshaper or anything in-between.
The block has 3 input ports, RESET, TRIGGER and SLEW for for driving and triggering the ramps: - RESET = A positive zero crossing at this input causes the ramp cycle to restart. The ramp will restart from its current level, rise at the rate set by the 'RISE' control until the level reaches maximum (1) and then fall back to 0 at the rate set by the 'FALL' control, completing the RISE-FALL cycle. A gate signal at this port turns the block into an AD (attack-decay) envelope.
- TRIGGER = Positive values at this port will trigger the ramp to rise all the way up until it reaches the original triggering value. It will rise at the rate set by 'RISE' and fall at the rate set by 'FALL' but will always continue to ramp up or down until the trigger value has been reached. This port is similar to Reset port except the input values control the destination level of the ramps. This port can be thought of as kind of a cross between the Reset port and the Slew port. A gate signal at this port turns the block into a velocity sensitive AHD (attack-hold-decay) envelope.
- SLEW = Signals at this input will be ramped smoothly between values. The 'RISE' and 'FALL' controls set the rise and fall time of the ramps. This port can be used with pitch signals to give a pitch glide effect or to smooth modulation signals.

A sequencers in the Tangle Pack will generally consist of 3 blocks / elements:
- A ramp block that outputs a ramp signal slowly going from 0 to 1 that drives the playback position of the sequence. This signal is called the 'position' signal.
- One or more 'position modifying' blocks that modify this position signal, adding rolls to certain steps in the sequence, repeating certain steps, skipping steps etc.
- A 'Sequencer' block whose playback position is driven by this position signal and that outputs pitch values or gate signals to playback the sound generating element of your rack. READ MORE
Sequencers - Sequencers
- Gate Sequencer - An 8 step gate sequencer.
- Level Sequencer - An 8 step level sequencer.
- Note Sequencer - An 8 step note sequencer. Click on a step and hold and then play a MIDI note to set the value of that step via MIDI.
- Value Sequencer - An 8 step level sequencer.
Seq Segment - A single segment of a sequencer. Daisy-chain several segments by connecting the 'NEXT' port to the next segment's 'RESET' port.
There are 16 playback modes: - REPEAT= Repeat steps
- SINGLE = 1st step only
- HOLD = Hold steps
- MUTE = Mutes the segment
- ||-- = Repeating 4 step pattern
- ||-||- = Repeating 3 step pattern
- |--| = Repeating 4 step pattern
- |-||-| = Repeating 3 step pattern
- RAND = Random pattern
- ROLL = High-speed roll (4X normal speed)
- UP = Speeds up
- DOWN = Slows down
- JITTER = Random 'jittery' timing
- SWG1 = Mild 'swing' feel
- SWG2 = Strong 'swing' feel
- ? = Selects one of the previous 15 modes at random
- Euclidean Sequencer - The number of gates, set by the GATES knob, will be distributed equally across the number of steps, set by the STEPS knob.
- Note Recorder - Records a sequence of MIDI notes. Notes can be recorded and played back simultaneously at different positions in the sequence, and the RECORD POSITION, PITCH and GATE ports can be used to produce complex note sequences by connecting LFOs or modulations sources to these ports. The maximum size for the sequence can be set on the snapshots panel.
Sequencers - Position Modifiers
The sequencer blocks in the pack are all driven by a ‘position’ signal that needs to be connected to the block's POSITION port. The position signal is just a signal that ramps up from 0 to 1 slowly in a looping fashion. The position signal simply represents the current position of the sequence (the RAMPS block can be used to generate a suitable position signal, although really any audio signal can be used, for example the output of an oscillator or an LFO). The following position modifying blocks are designed to modify this position signal in order to modify the playback of the sequence, repeating or skipping section etc. If you connect a 'Modulation Scope' block before and after the position modifying blocks you can visualize how the signal is being modified in order to alter the playback of the sequence.
Conditional - Applies a condition for each step of the incoming position signal, step will only play if that condition is met.
Modes: - ---- = Step always plays
- OFF = Step never plays
- 1:2 = Step plays on the first bar every 2 bars
- 2:2 = Step plays on the second bar every 2 bars
1:3 = Step plays on the first bar every 3 bars
etc - FILL = Step plays when the FILL port is positive
- !FIL = Step plays when the FILL port is not positive
- 5% to 95% = Probability the step will play
- Fast - The incoming position signal is modified by speeding up the ramp of each step. Setting the speed of a step to 'SKIP' will result in that step being skipped.
- Repeat - The incoming position signal is modified by repeating each step. Setting the repeat count to 'SKIP' will result in that step being skipped.
- Roll - The incoming position signal is modified by adding repeats for each step.
- Slow - The incoming position signal is modified by slowing down each step according to the values. Setting the speed of a step to 'SKIP' will result in that step being skipped.
- Time Shift - The incoming position signal is modified by shifting the position of each step forward or backward in time.
- Swing - Adds a swing feel to the incoming position signal by slightly bending every other step.
Sequencers - Tools
Counter - Counts up to 32 steps. The position of the counter is incremented by gates received by the GATE input. The block outputs POSITION signals between 0 and 1 that represents the current step number.
The 'STEP MODE' control sets the mode and direction of movement of the sequencer. The following modes are available: - FWD (forward) = The sequence plays forwards.
- REV (reverse) = The sequence is reversed.
- FWD-REV (forward then reverse) = The sequence plays forwards and then backwards, for example: 1,2,3,4,4,3,2,1,1,2,3,4 etc.
- TRI (triangle) = Same as FWD-REV but adds an extra step at the end so that the first and last steps aren't repeated, for example: 1,2,3,4,5,4,3,2,1,2,3,4,5 etc.
- PATT 1 (pattern 1) = Plays back the sequence using a pattern.
- PATT 2 (pattern 2) = Plays back the sequence using a different pattern.
- RAND (random) = Plays back the steps randomly.
- GLITCH = Same as FWD except every so often plays a random step.
- Position Divider - Splits up a position signal into up to 8 separate position signals.
- Position Range - Ranges the incoming position signal between START and END points.
- Position Shift - Offsets the position input by a certain number of steps.
- Position Speed - Speeds up or slows down the position signal by multiplying it by fixed values of 6th and 8th divisions.
Position Splitter - Splits up a position signal into up to 4 separate position signals. Click on the LEDs to mute the outputs. You can also use these LED buttons to select how many steps are in the sequence if the only the POS output port is connected.
The are 5 different modes for splitting the signal up in different ways: - FAST = The position signal is split into parts of even length and then each part is multiplied by the MULT knobs.
- REPEAT = The position signal is split into parts of varying length (depending on the MULT knobs) and then each part is multiplied by the MULT knobs, therefore repeating each of the sections yet keeping the speed of each section the same.
- SPLIT = The position signal is split into parts of varying length (depending on the MULT knobs).
- FIX = Same as REPEAT except the the overall length of the sequence is fixed.
- STRETCH = Same as SPLIT except the the overall length of the sequence is fixed.
- Ramps - 3 ramps which can be used to drive sequencers, in a single block.
- Single Ramp - A single ramp oscillator with 'One-shot' and 'Shape' controls.
Utility - Maths
- Bi 2 Uni - Converts signals from bidirectional to unidirectional.
- Greater Than - Outputs a 1 if input A is greater than input B.
- Input Range - Scales the input signal of range between the settings of the HIGH and LOW controls to a full range between 0 and 1.
- Invert - Values are inverted, positive values become negative and negative values become positive.
- Logic - Applies a logic operation (AND, OR, XOR etc) to the inputs:
- AND = Outputs a 1 if input 1 and 2 are positive (greater than zero).
- OR = Outputs a 1 if input 1 or 2 are positive.
- XOR (Exclusive OR) = Outputs a 1 if input 1 or 2 are positive but not if both are positive.
- NAND (Not AND) = Outputs a 0 if input 1 and 2 are positive otherwise outputs a 1.
- NOR (Not OR) = Outputs a 0 if input 1 or 2 are positive otherwise outputs a 1.
- NOT 1 = Applies LOGIC NOT to input 1 (outputs 0 if the input is positive, outputs a1 if it's not positive).
- NOT 2 = Applies LOGIC NOT to input 1 (outputs 0 if the input is positive, outputs a1 if it's not positive).
- Maths - Applies the following maths operations to the input:
- INVERT = Inverts the signal
- RECTIFY = Rectifies the signal (flips the negative portion of the input signal to make it positive).
- UPPER = Only passes the positive portion of the signal.
- LOWER = Only passes the negative portion of the signal.
- X^2 = Squares the incoming signal (multiplies it by itself).
- 1-X = subtracts the incoming signal from 1.
- Multiply 8 - Multiplies 8 pairs of inputs.
- Multiply - Multiplies the 3 incoming signals. If the 3rd input is not connected it is ignored.
- Offset - Offsets the incoming signals with values between -1 & 1. Capable of very small offset values.
- Range - Scales the input signal to a range between the settings of the HIGH and LOW controls.
- Sum - Sums the 3 incoming signals.
- Sum 6 - Sums the 6 incoming signals.
- Uni 2 Bi- Converts signals from unidirectional to bidirectional.
Utility - Misc
- 8 Counters - The state of each counter is stored in the snapshot.
- CR Smooth - Converts a control rate signal to a sample rate signal by applying a small amount of smoothing. See the polyphonic blocks section for a description of 'Control Rate' vs 'Sample Rate'.
- DC Filter - Filters out DC (direct current) signals.
- Demux - Use in conjunction with the 'Mux' block, The 'Mux' block combines up to 12 signals onto 1 wire and the 'Demux' block to converts this combined signal back into 12 separate signals. The signals are downsampled so audio signals will be very low quality. The downsampling is equal to the number of wires connected to the block so the more wires that are connected the lower the audio quality will be. The Mux/Demux blocks are useful for sending modulation and control signals signals between instances of Reaktor for example in a VST effects chain in your DAW using, allowing 24 separate signals to be sent across a stereo audio connection. Also useful for recording 12 control signals as audio data (You can store up to 24 signals in a stereo 24 bit file). In this way you can use the Looper block to record and loop multiple signals (make sure the Looper blocks QUALITY setting is set to LOW).
- FM Algorithm - A bank of 8 FM algorithms. Used in conjunction with 4 FM Operator blocks this block can be used as to define the FM routing algorithm for a '4-operator' FM style synth.
- Inputs - A straight connection from input to output, useful for organising and tidying racks. The inputs are visible on the front panel and the outputs are only visible in structure view.
- Knob LEDs - Use the knobs on the Maschine to simulate a bank of LEDs using the knob's labels. Use this block with the Maschine hardware and the 'Drum Pad' block for visual feedback, by learning the Maschine's knobs to the block's ports. The labels display:
- 0 = OFF
- <0 = PULSING
- Labels - A handy block to write notes on a rack or create labels.
- Launchkey LEDs - Control the drum pad LEDs of the Novation Launchkey MKIII keyboard. Values at the LED ports to light the LEDs are:
- 0 = OFF
- >0 = DIM
- >0.333 = MEDIUM
- >0.666 = BRIGHT
- <0 = PULSING
- Loop Player - A looping sample player. The playback of the loop is synchronised to the host tempo.
- Metronome - Outputs a metronome signal synced to the host clock.
- Mode - A simple macro knob to set the mode of a rack.
- Mux - Combines up to 12 signals onto 1 wire. Use with the 'Demux' block to convert the combined signal back into 12 separate signals. The signals are downsampled so audio signals will be very low quality. The downsampling is equal to the number of wires connected to the block so the more wires that are connected the lower the audio quality will be. The Mux/Demux blocks are useful for sending modulation and control signals signals between instances of Reaktor for example in a VST effects chain in your DAW using, allowing 24 separate signals to be sent across a stereo audio connection. Also useful for recording 12 control signals as audio data (You can store up to 24 signals in a stereo 24 bit file). In this way you can use the Looper block to record and loop multiple signals (make sure the Looper blocks QUALITY setting is set to LOW).
- Outputs - A straight connection from input to output, useful for organising and tidying racks. The outputs are visible on the front panel and the inputs are only visible in structure view.
- Pass If > 0 - If the 'Control' input is greater than zero the 'In' input is passed to the output, otherwise the last value is held.
- Select (Light Guide) - A bank of 8 radio-buttons with Komplete Kontrol Light Guide support. There's a hidden control on the bottom right corner to enable MIDI control of the selection.
- Stay - If the input is greater than zero it is passed to the output, otherwise the last non zero value is held. Use this block to hold the last value of the position ramp whenever the 'Ramp' block is stopped. It can also be used to extract velocity values from a a gate signal.
- Stepper - Creates a series of stepped values with every gate received by the GATE port. The RESET port sample and holds the current value at the IN port (or the value of the DEFAULT VALUE knob if the IN port is not connected), then with every gate at the GATE port the block multiples the held value by the value of the MULT knob and then adds the value of the ADD knob.
- Sustain - Gate signals will be held until the next gate comes along. Small gaps will be inserted between the held gates.
- Tidal Cycle - Sends out the current Tidal Cycles cycle position as a value between 0 and 1.
- Tidal Modulation - Receives control messages from Tidal Cycles (tidalcycles.org) using the Tidal command 'control' (see the boot file in 'Extra' folder. Outputs control signals between 0 and 1
- Tidal Note - Receives note messages from Tidal Cycles (tidalcycles.org) via OSC, using the Tidal command 'note' (see the boot file in 'Extra' folder). Outputs pitch, gate and other control signals
- Toggle Snap - Snaps the timing of the incoming gates to a regular timing grid and toggles the state of the outputs on and off.
- Value Selector 8 (CR) - An 8 step level selector with 8 channels.
Utility - Mixers And Level
- Analog VCA - An emulation of an analog VCA (voltage controlled amplifier).
- Level - Reduces the level of the incoming signals.
- Mixer - A 4 channel mixer. If the individual channel outputs are connected but the channel inputs are disconnected then the outputs will send out a constant value equivalent to the setting of the level control, enabling the level control to be used as a 'macro' control. The mixer has 6 modes with which it uses to mix the 2 sets of channels:
- MIX = Normal Mixer.
- RING = Ring Modulation. Level control 2 & 4 function as a dry/wet controls (the mode of ring modulation is set using the RING MODE control on the options panel).
- AM = Amplitude Modulation (the mode of amplitude modulation is set using the RING MODE control on the options panel).
- Sample & Hold = Sample & Hold Method 1 (Holds the signal value when input 2 crosses zero). Level control 2 & 4 function as a dry/wet controls.
- HOLD = Sample & Hold Method 2 (Holds the signal value when input 2 is positive, passes the signal when input 2 is negative). Level control 2 & 4 function as a dry/wet controls.
- OR = Selects the signal with the highest numeric value.
- Nano Mixer 3 - A simple 3 channel mixer.
- Nano Mixer - A simple 6 channel mixer.
- Nano Panning Mixer - A 3 channel mixer with panning.
- Nano Stereo Mixer - A 3 channel stereo mixer. If the right input is not connected then the left mono input will be sent to both left and right outputs.
- Stereo Mixer - A 2 channel stereo mixer. The mixer has 6 modes with which it uses to mix the 2 channels.
Utility - Pitch
- Micro Tuner - Snaps incoming notes to a custom microtonal scale. To individually set all 12 notes of the scale use the additional ports available in structure view.
- Note Quantizer - Snaps incoming notes to a custom scale. To individually set all 12 notes of the scale use the additional ports available in structure view.
- Scale - Snaps incoming pitch signals to a scale.
- Transpose Octave - Transposes incoming pitch signals by octaves.
- Transpose - Transposes incoming pitch signals.
Utilities - Routing
- Router (Linear) - Routes a signal to up to 8 outputs linearly interpolating between the outputs. If there is no signal connected then a '1' is routed to the outputs instead.
- Router (MIDI) - Use MIDI notes to route the inputs to the outputs. Hold down a note to select the source port then while holding the first, select more notes to chose the destintaion ports. You can not route multiple sources to the same destination.
- Router 4 (CR) - Sends a signal to up to 4 outputs. 8 channels. Control-rate version.
- Router 4 - Sends a signal to up to 4 outputs. (8 channels). If there is no signal connected then a '1' is routed to the outputs instead.
- Router - Position: Routes a signal to up to 8 outputs. If there is no signal connected then a '1' is routed to the outputs instead.
- Selector 4 - Selects a signal from up to 4 inputs. 8 channels.
- Selector - Selects a signal from up to 8 inputs.
- Switched Router - Position: Routes a signal to up to 8 outputs using Reaktor's 'primary switches'. Changing these switches cause the Reaktor to recompile the primary structure of the rack, unconnected modules will be deactivated to save CPU. Clicks may be heard when changing these switches so you should generally use the regular 'Selector' block instead.
- Switched Selector - Selects a signal from up to 8 inputs using Reaktor's 'primary switches'. Changing these switches cause the Reaktor to recompile the primary structure of the rack, unconnected modules will be deactivated to save CPU. Clicks may be heard when changing these switches so you should generally use the regular 'Selector' block instead.
- Switches - A bank of 'hard' cable switches. A modulation signal greater than zero will turn on the switch.
Utility - Utility
- Buttons - A bank of 6 simple toggle buttons, right click on the button to learn MIDI or OSC.
- Crossover - Triggers things from a MIDI drum pad (or the Maschine in keyboard mode).
- Drum Pad Triggers - Triggers things from a MIDI drum pad (or the Maschine in keyboard mode).
- Drum Pad - Triggers things from a MIDI drum pad (or the Maschine in keyboard mode). The 9 triggering modes are below. READ MORE
- OFF = Switches off MIDI input.
- TRIGGER = MIDI notes send a gate signal to the outputs.
- TOGGLE = MIDI notes toggle the state of the outputs on and off.
- SELECT 4 = MIDI notes send a gate signal to only 1 output at a time of each of the 4 columns.
- SELECT 8 = MIDI notes send a gate signal to only 1 output at a time of each of the 2 sets of 4 rows.
- SELECT 16 = MIDI notes send a gate signal to only 1 output at a time.
- TOGGLE 4 = MIDI notes toggle a gate signal at 1 output at a time of each of the 4 columns.
- TOGGLE 8 = MIDI notes toggle a gate signal at 1 output at a time of each of the 2 sets of 4 rows.
- TOGGLE 16 = MIDI notes toggle a gate signal at 1 only output at a time.
- Fader (Bi-directional) - A single bidirectional fader. Drag on the fader to set the value, double-click to mute it, right-click and drag to finely adjust the value.
- Fader - A single level fader. Drag on the fader to set the value, double-click to mute it, right-click and drag to finely adjust the value.
- Faders - A bank of 6 level faders.
- Knob Bank - 16 banks of 5 macro knobs. The 5 knobs can controlled from a hardware MIDI controller. Drag the area below the knobs to set the text for the labels.
- Macro Knobs - MIDI CC In
- MIDI CC In - Sends out MIDI CC messages.
- MIDI CC Out - Sends out MIDI CC messages.
- MIDI In - MIDI input.
- MIDI Out - Sends out MIDI note messages on 3 different channels.
- Note Snap - Snaps the timing of the incoming notes to a regular timing grid.
- Poly MIDI In - Notes arriving from MIDI are sorted according to the state of the LO-HI button and then sent out to the polyphonic PITCH and GATE output ports.
- Probability Gate - Thins out gates arriving at the gate inputs. The probability of gates being passed by each channel is set by value of the PROBABILITY knob.
- Sample & Hold - A positive zero crossings at the TRIGGER port holds the value at IN 1.
- Scope - An audio rate scope.
- Mod Scopes - A bank of 5 scopes for displaying modulation signals.
- Scopes - A bank of 5 audio rate scopes.
- Select - A bank of 8 radio-buttons. There's a hidden control on the bottom right corner to enable MIDI control of the block.
- Smoother - 3 channels of linear smoothers.
- Snapshots - Controls the block's snapshots globally both using a wireless connection and also using OSC and MIDI. The block also sends OSC messages named /nanoosc/snapshot and /nanoosc/morphspeed to a target named 'Self'. Also sends program change messages to select snapshots (1-8 select snapshots, 9-16 copies settings from current snapshot, 17-24 clears snapshots). Morph speed is controlled via MIDI CC 127.
- Trigger Buttons - A bank of 6 simple toggle buttons, right click on the button to learn MIDI or OSC.
- VCA - A 3 channel VCA (voltage controlled amplifier) block.